About an year back the situation in the Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh was quite hot as the KCR led TRS party and other bodies entered into a major political movement demanding a separate Telangana state. In a knee jerk reaction, the central government appointed the Justice Sri Krishna commission to find a solution.  The committee came, the analysis took place and a report was submitted to the centre. Till date, no one knows what the findings of the commission were but now the centre is preparing for another all-party meet on December 28th to discuss about Telangana once again. What is the objective behind this?  Some are asking if this meet has to happen then what is the sole purpose of the Sri Krishna Committee report? Already, the union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde has reportedly mentioned it is a closed chapter. Does that mean congress was simply doing an eye wash tactic to buy more time? Is Sri Krishna Committee report a farce?


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