New Delhi, Oct. 15: All good things come to an end. So, even as the heat and dust of successfully hosting the XIXth Commonwealth Games is yet to settle, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, ordered an inquiry into the charges of corruption and irregularities that began swirling in the run-up to the Commonwealth Games.

The investigation ordered by the PM will be headed by the former Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Mr V.K. Shunglu. While the terms of reference of the Shunglu panel are expected to be announced in a couple of days, it is learnt that it will be looking into both the organising and conduct of the Games.
The heat is being turned on against those involved in the organisation of the Games by other probe agencies too.
The CAG, which had to temporarily shelve the audit it had begun on the Games while they were at the preparation stage, has also resumed its probe and will examine if there were any cost overruns and whether the spending was in keeping with the outcome.


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