Viveik Oberoi to marry in Bengaluru on October 29
After a lot of buzz that was created when Viveik got engaged, his wedding day will finally arrive at the end of October. The preparations for the actor’s marriage to Priyanka Alva are on in full swing. While the wedding rituals will take place in Bengaluru, the Oberois have organised a grand reception in Mumbai.
Our source said, “Viveik will tie the knot with Priyanka on October 29 and there will be a grand reception on October 31 in Mumbai. Viveik wants his friends from Bollywood to attend the reception.”
Viveik had maintained that he was open to an arranged alliance and Priyanka Alva was just the right person for him. “Viveik is pretty excited about it. He is looking forward to a life of marital bliss.”


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