
Away from your TV, radio or newspaper? You can still get your dose of news, with your Vodafone mobile phone. So you can stay in the know from anytime, anywhere. You can get news updates by:

sms NEWS to 56789 to get the news of the day
You can also get specific news.

  • For business news: sms NEWS BIZ to 56789
  • For Sports News: sms NEWS SPO to 56789
  • For weather updates in your city: sms WEATHER <city name> to 56789
Charges: Rs3/sms Note: All VAS service rental charges do not fall under proportionate billing. Full rentals will be charged irrespective of date of activation.

Call 56789

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Just call 56789, say ’News‘ and get news updates in English or Hindi.

Vodafone live!

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  • Step 1:Log on to Vodafone live!
  • Step 2:Go to the NEWS section
  • Step 3:Watch news video snippets from NDTV 24x7, NDTV India and CNBC - TV18 and view photos of the latest news clippings on your Vodafone mobile phone

Vodafone Alerts

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  • Your phone is now your personal news reporter. Dial *123*31# to subscribe and get news alerts every 2 hours, between 8 am and 8 pm. In addition, you also get alerts on Breaking News, as it happens @ Rs30 / month
  • Dial *123*33# to get the news specific to your region. At Rs15 / month.
  • And to get all the news as it happens, dial *123*35#. Only for Rs30 / month.


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