Deadly thugs attack young heroine

When an attempt to kidnap Namitha is still afresh among the film circles, one more incident took place in which a young heroine escaped an assault in the district of Kanya Kumari. Anjali of ‘Shopping Mall’ (Angadi Theru) fame escaped from a deadly attack of thugs who themselves claimed that they are fighting for Kanya Kumari’s welfare.

The thugs attacked ‘Thambi Vettothi Sundaram’ film unit at Mangalam near Kulasekaram blaming that the film is showing their place in bad light. They destroyed the shooting equipment and then tried to attack actress Anjali, who fled from that place in a flash. She took shelter in a nearby village and later reached Chennai with the help of few villagers.

“This is the creepiest ever incident in my life”, said Anjali who is still haunted by that freaky experience. It is high time for the film people to get enough security while shooting in outdoors


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