Venkatesh is our Bodyguard

Malayalam blockbuster Bodyguard is catching many an eye in all the languages. Star heroes in various languages are showing keen interest in remaking this film. Tamil superstar Vijay is remaking this film as ‘Kavalan’ in Tamil. Asin is playing his romantic interest in Kavalan.

Recently, Bollywood media reported that Salman Khan is interested to remake Bodyguard into Hindi. Kareena is likely to play the female lead. Many of Kannada stars are vying for the remake rights of Bodyguard.

What about our Bodyguard? Who is going to step into the shoes of Telugu Bodyguard? T town is abuzz that Venkatesh is impressed with the original and is likely to do the Bodyguard role in Telugu remake. Shivaraju, Venkatraju acquired the Telugu remake rights. Asin or Trisha will do the heroine role. Let’s wait for the official confirmation about Tollywood Bodyguard.

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