HYDERABAD: Dropping adequate hints that the Telangana political JAC was readying itself for a long innings in its struggle for a separate state,TJAC chairman M Kodandaram said any state oppression would only result in strengthening T people's resolve to achieve statehood for the region.
Addressing media after a meeting of TJAC steering committee on Thursday, Kodandaram said they had decided to carry forward the struggle with greater vigour and simultaneously expose Congress party, which has been repeatedly betraying the people of Telangana. "Several programmes have been chalked out to expose Congress party. Our movement will be intensified through a sustained campaign to bury Congress in Telangana region for good. It is like Test cricket. We will strive hard to realise the slogan of Congress ko khatam karo, Telangana ko hasil karo," he said.
Welcoming the high court directive on the release of TRS politburo member Cheruku Sudhakar from detention, the TJAC leader said no amount of state oppression can stop Telangana protagonists from going ahead with their struggle for statehood. "The HC order is a slap on the face of the Kiran Kumar Reddy government, which has unleashed a reign of terror on supporters of Telangana. The court has vindicated our contention that Sudhakar was detained with an ulterior motive to prevent people from participating in the movement," he said.
Cautioning Telangana TDP leaders against adopting double standards, he asked them to spell out their support to the cause by quitting their party and join the people's movement. "If they fail to take a decision, it will be presumed that the T-TDP is no different from Congress when it comes to betraying the movement. They must not continue in a party whose leader opposes the formation of Telangana state and still claim that they were sincere towards the cause," the TJAC chairman said.
Condemning Union minister of state for home Jitendra Singh's statement in Rajya Sabha on seeking unanimity in the Assembly to proceed further on the statehood issue, he said, "The very thought itself is unconstitutional. There is no need for unanimity in the Assembly for carving out a new state. The Centre alone can take a decision on the issue."
The minister had informed Rajya Sabha that creation of any new state had wide ramifications and direct bearing on the federal polity of the country. "The GoI moves in the matter only when there is a broad consensus in the parent state, that one part thereof may be separated to form a new state. Government takes decision on the matter of formation of new states after taking into consideration all relevant factors. Action by the government would depend on the felt need and general consensus," Singh stated in a written reply on Wednesday.
Announcing TJAC's decision to observe December 9 as 'Telangana Atma Guarava Dinam', he called upon the people of the region to hoist Telangana flags and take out huge rallies to mark the historic day. "We will hoist a Telangana flag at Gun Park on Friday to salute our martyrs, while students and employees will hoist the T flag in their respective schools and offices. People in the region have been urged to observe 'Jaagaran deeksha' on Friday from 5 pm to 12 midnight in all the district headquarters. In the city, government employees and their families have decided to sit on a deeksha at Indira chowk, where several cultural activities have been planned," he said. The TJAC chairman said December 23 would be observed as 'Vidroha dinam', as the Centre had backed out on its promise on Telangana. "Our constituents have been asked to take out huge rallies to expose both Congress and TDP for betraying people of the region," he added.


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