HYDERABAD: Income-Tax (I-T) sleuths on Thursday conducted a massive search operation at the Jubilee Hills residence of Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu. Multiple residences and office premises of the producers of his upcoming flick 'The Businessman', Venkata Phanindra Reddy (RR Movie Makers) and K Narasimha Reddy (KNR Projects) at Gachibowli and Jubilee Hills were also searched, I-T sources said. While no cash was recovered, officials part of the operation said they had seized several "valuable documents" that would now undergo scrutiny at the department.

Sources said the search started from the offices of the two producers at 8.30 am, following a tip-off from a third party about them hoarding undisclosed money. "It was during these searches that the I-T team unearthed a document that led them to Mahesh Babu's house on Road No 81, Jubilee Hills.


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