There’s something about…
There’s nothing sexier than a beautiful lady with the smarts. Here’s a perfect example of the adage. Talking about the clichéd beauty meets brains, she could be a cheerleader at the IPL or she could be a scientist working in a secret lab. She could be whoever she wanted to. But ShreyaDhanwanthary chose to get into tinsel town. And boy, aren’t we glad she did! This NIT Warangal girl is a Femina Miss India finalist. Who would have thought those two nouns could be used in the same sentence together? Destiny’s Child “Independent Woman”– she’s the song, but not the band! That’s what she is. Talk to her and you can’t help wonder, and it strikes you slowly, that she reminds you of Cindy Crawford. So here’s the spotlight on this beautiful Telugu lass who is gracing the silver screen & stealing hearts with her youthful exuberant roles. AnandRayapudi talks to ShreyaDhanwanthary in a freewheeling interview of awesomeness.

There’s something about Shreya. And I just can’t seem to pinpoint it. What do you think it is? Maybe it’s the eyes…
[laughs] Is it?Well I think there’s more to me than justeyes. It’s not just one trait. I mean, I don’t want to sound arrogant about myself but there are a lot of other things about me that I think are worth talking about [winks].

Just one or two movies old & you already look like you’re oozing confidence. What do you say to yourself at the start of each morning?
It’s very simple for me to break it down. To succeed, you need confidence. And I am a very confident individual. So much so that people think it is borderline arrogance. But it’s not! You must have the courage of conviction to believe that you can do it. It isthe way I’ve been brought up. And I love being in the movie industry. I can’t wait to lap all that comes my way.

What’s fame like? How has it changed you?
Has it? I really don’t want to claim fame.I think fame’s often over-rated and quickly transforms into infamy. I want my work to speak for me. Look at Scorsese, Mani Ratnam,AamirKhan,it’s their work that gets talked about.I really feel Fame is one of the cons of the industry. Because everybody’s talking about you, and not necessarily in a good way most of the times… it can get on your nerves.

But there’s a certain calmness & composure in your face. Did you discover Nirvana already?
[Breaks into laughter] Seriously, you think so? Then you figure it out yourself. I don’t think I am calm or anywhere close to it. But jokes apart, thanks for saying that! I guess I am grounded in a way that makes me confident wherever I am. Knowing what you are is important, especially in the tinsel world, where everyone’s changing by the minute and you have a hard time knowing people’s real side. That helps you work things out easily.
And I have a big support system that doesn’t really allow me to get bogged down with stuff. That’s my biggest strength.

How did your entry into Tollywood happen?
Oh, there was a talent search happening for Snehageetham.I just sent in my pictures and I got through.

You are from NIT Warangal. That’s one of the last places I would look to find a Miss India contestant. What were you studying there?
ECE! Let me warn you,don’t write me off as a bimbo. I am intelligent. I was head-girl in school. I’ve always been a brilliant student & atopper.I am still academically inclined because I believe it is important.Education can get one throughin life. For me, acting is a wonderful learning process as well.And am thankful, that with whatever little raw talent I have, I’ve been given wonderful opportunities to hone them.

When did you start modeling?
I started modeling in my 3rd year of college. I was at a stage in life where I wanted to figure out howto use my best traits as an individual to choose a path. And modeling was one of the options I wanted to take a shot at. It was more of a passion as well. One day, my mom casually sent my pictures to Femina.It was a big shock for me that I was shortlisted and it was a bigger shock when I actually won.
How important was your family’s support? Tell us about your family.
My family is awesome. My dad still finds it a little hard to believe that I got into movies when I could be pursuing other careers in life. But he has raised me well enough to know that I will make the right decisions. My mom’s a doll. Like all other moms of the world, she is a complete sweetheart. She is my best friend.I also have a younger sister who’s doing her engineering in Bangalore. My family is a huge part of my support group.

Where did you grow up?
I was born in Hyderabad, thenwe moved to Dubai, Bahrain, Doha, Sharjah. We’ve also lived in Delhi for some time in between. Considering how our country is such a powerhouse of academics, I decided to come back to Indiato finish my studies& then modeling & movies just happened.

So how ‘filmy’ are you?
Big Time! I grew up on movies. They were my staple diet. And not just Telugu, I watch any & every movie I can get my hands on.Bollywood, Hollywood, French, German, I am a total cinephile.But, I never imagined I’d be on the other side of the screen acting.I was more conditioned to be the audience, you know.
So what was going through on your mind the very first day of your shoot?
I was like – OMG! I was there in front of the camera. There were no jitters or racing of pulses though. It was just incredible. I couldn’t believe it. I felt so blessed to be there.I felt responsible for what was coming out. And this was my chance to prove myself.

Tell us something about your forthcoming projects.
Nah,I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch&jinx my chances. I am in talks with some directors though. Let me add here that I see myself getting more confident in my interpretation of roles. My love and passion for acting has grown tremendously.

Great. So what are the roles that you see yourself doing in the future?
Given a chance, I would love to go all out on arty movies and films where I am given meaty substance roles. But I am level-headed to believe that there’s still a long way to go before I am handed such roles.I’m not destiny’s child. I don’t believe in luck. I know that if I have to achieve anything, I have to work hard towards it.
I want to do something revolutionary that makes people sit up and take notice, and I don’t mean it in a sleazy way.

Aha. So are you like the Girl next door or glam queen?
In movies, I don’t want to be stereotyped. It would be a minus point for me to get framed like that.In real life, I would consider myself to be a very radical individual. Because I’ve grown up in a family like that! I’ve always been around people who are strong-willed &independent. We are always throwing ideas around, discussing stuff and my family has always encouraged us to think out of the box. And I am really glad for that. No wonder, it is the same upbringing that is the reason I’m strong enough to enter the industry today.
So if the story requires an on-screen lip lock you would be okay with it?
Ummm…Errr…  Not Right Now! Maybe if I can trust the director to show it aesthetically. But people’s mindsethas to change. We, as Indians, can still be narrow-minded sometimes. I mean, for crying out loud, people make a huge deal if a couple hold hands in public.
Fair enough! Moving on, What’s your beauty mantra?
Stay away from the sun…
Wow, that’s great advice from a person who’s lived in the Middle-East & hot places like Delhi & Warangal all her life. Come on, you can do better than that…
[Laughs], okay here you go smarty pants. Smile a lot! Be nice to people, keep smiling andthat’s the best beauty mantra one can have in life. It’s easy to do, and it makes you very beautiful.
One role you would die for…
All that everything Savitri has ever touched… I mean she was just fantabulous!Ramyakrishna is also just mindblowing. Don’t even get me started on Sridevi. These are the actresses who have inspired me. I can’t even dare touch them but someday I hope to emulate them.
Wow, now I wasn’t expecting that answer from you…
So you thought you had me all figured out eh?
I guess not… Shreya, it was a pleasure!
Right back at yaAndy!

Quick takes
Fave actor – Aamir Khan
Actress – Kate Blanchett
Movie – Kshanakshanam, Gundammakatha, Aha naPellanta
Color – Shades of Violet & Purple
Vacation spot – Paris
Food – MenthikooraPappu
Bedroom liner – [Screams] Get up! It’s morning already!
Taken or still searching?– I’m gonna reveal it later.
Where would you like to be taken on a first date? Disneyland
What are you Humming Right now? Drift by 40 ft Echo
Reading? Agatha Christie, am a huge crime/thriller fan
What puts you off? Weak-willed/minded people
The sexiest man alive… Sachin Pilot
What color are you? Violet
Early mornings or late nights?Definitely Late Nights
Cook or takeaway?Both Either/or/and
Sexy or cool?Cool
Perfect guy…
“I’m not a destiny’s child. I don’t believe in luck. I know that if I have to achieve anything, I have to work hard towards it.”


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