Gone are the days when we used to hear only the voices of S P Balasubramaniam, P Suseela, Janaki, Chitra for songs. Today, we have no clue who is the singer. Getting talented singers has become easy for the cine folks but after they sing two or three numbers they are going in search for new voices. They are not grooming the existing singers and there is a reason for that. Generally, the contract of hiring singers is being given to music directors. And the music directors have to pay the singers. But once the singers get name they will charge higher. So, in order to save money and get their songs for free, new voices are being scouted. The big singers are not being given a chance in small budget films. On the other hand, very high budget films are going for Bollywood singers. Though the current bunch of singers are earning their livelihood through stage shows and other events on TV there is nothing secure and steady. Hence, it is heard that they are in tension whether to continue with this career or not. 


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