Basking in the success of his recent Blockbuster Balupu, Telugu actor Ravi Teja will start shooting for his next untitled project in the last week of September. Filmmaker YVS Chowdhary, who is producing the next film of Mass Maharaja, has roped in Bobby, who was the scriptwriter of Balupu, to direct the actor. Talking to IANS, producer YVS Chowdhary said, "The film was officially launched a few days back. Regular shooting stars from this month-end. Bobby is all set to give Ravi Teja's fans another hit soon. It's an action entertainer laced with comedy in appropriate proportion." Balupu Writer Set To Direct Ravi Teja Chowdhary had earlier produced Ravi Teja's Telugu movie Nippu, which turned out to be a disaster. The producer added, "Success and failure is part and parcel of any profession. A director or an actor can't be blamed for the failure of a film because so many other factors are taken into consideration. I don't let these things affect me." YVS Chowdhary is currently on a hunt for a suitable heroine and other supporting cast. Meanwhile, it is being reported that Ravi Teja will soon make his Bollywood debut with Yamla Pagla Deewana director Samir Karnik's next movie, which is expected to go on floors by the end of the year 2013.


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