About Our Planet Earth

Age of Earth
4,550 Million Years

Mass of Earth
5.967 x 10 to the power 24 kg

Volume of Earth
1.083 x 10 to the power liters

Mean Density of Earth
5.518 kg/lt

Total Surface Area of Earth
510 million sq. km

Land Area of Earth
29.2% of the total surface area

Water Area of Earth
70.8% of the total surface area

Equatorial Diameter of Earth
12,755 km

Polar Diameter of Earth
12, 712 km

Escape Velocity of Earth
11.2 km/sec

Highest Land Point of Earth
Mount Everest (8,852 m)

Lowest Land Point of Earth
Dead Sea (396m)

Greatest Ocean Depth of Earth
Mariana Trench (11,033)

Equatorial Circumference of Earth
40,024 km

Polar Circumference of Earth
40,024 km

Mean Surface Temperature of Earth

Earth's Maximum distance from Sun (Aphelion)
About 150 million km

Earth's Minimum distance from sun (Perihelion)
About 147 million km

Earth's Rotation Speed
23 hrs, 56 min, 40.91 sec

Revolution Speed of Earth
365 days, 5 hrs, 45.51 sec

Dates when days & nights are equal on Earth
Mar, 21 (Vernal Equinox): Sept. 23 Autumnal Equinox)

Dates of longest days and shortest nights on Earth
June 21 (Summer Solstice): Dec, 22 (Winter Solstice)


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