Difference between Malware and antivirus

Malware is usually software used to track your surfing habits by setting cookies or gathering information and then reporting back to the person or company that sent it so they can send “pop ups” or e-mails that advertise their products. Note: technically a virus can be called malware too.
An antivirus program protects your computer by watching for suspicious behavior of applications and blocking them from running. Usually you will have a notice that it was blocked and ask whether you want to run that application. You can “Allow or Deny” and the antivirus will ‘remember’ your answer for next time.
An anti-malware program has a listing of malware and when you do a scan it finds and eliminates those applications. Most anti-malware programs do not offer “real time” protection they only work when you run the scan.
You need an up-to-date antivirus application on your computer to protect against viruses. You also should use an anti-malware application to remove the malware. Malwarebytes is a very good anti-malware application that is a free download. Spybot S&D(Search & Destroy) is also very good at removing malware plus it offers “real time” protection (called Teatimer). Spybot is a free download also.


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