The first schedule of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s next film Gabbar Singh has been completed in Pollachi. The actor is back in Hyderabad yesterday. The director of the film Harish Shankar has expressed his happiness after seeing the rushes of this schedule. He said Pawan is working with passion and his energy levels remind him the days of Thammudu and Badri. The unit has filmed few important scenes and a couple of songs on Pawan Kalyan and heroine Shruti Haasan.

The dialogues of the film are very powerful and the action episodes are dealt well so far, says our source. The second schedule of the film will commence from January 1st week onwards. Ganesh Babu who earlier produced Teen Maar with Pawan Kalyan is the producer of this film. Pawan is playing a ruthless cop for the first time in this film. Music of the film is being scored by Devi Sri Prasad


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