The Karnataka High Court quashed the hopes of five Independent MLAs of Karnataka, in the ongoing political drama. The Karnataka BJP Government lead by Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa recently went into a ‘Trust Vote’ as atleast 19 MLA rebelled against the CM. The State Assembly Speaker disqualified 11 BJP MLAs and five Independent MLAs from voting in the Trust Vote. As a result the Chief Minister won the vote or so it was declared by the Speaker.

However, the opposition parties, lead by JD Leader Kumara Swami said that the Trust Vote was done in an unconstitutional manner. The Governor HR Bharadwaj too recommended Presidential Rule in Karnataka, as he deemed the Karnataka Government had failed.

However, after much drama, the Speaker proposed another Trust Vote on 14th October. In the mean while all the 16 MLAs filed separate cases in the High Court to sort out whether the Speaker was going in line with his rights. While the HC postponed the cases of 11 BJP MLAs, it today disqualified the votes of the Independent MLAs.

This adds another twist to the already hyped up drama. Many are waiting to see how this disqualification of MLAs works in the Trust Vote tomorrow. In the mean time, independent MLA Varthur Prakash joined the BJP Camp


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