Surely, 2104 will be a ‘Happy New Year’ for Deepika Padukone. The pretty actress is now busy with Shahrukh Khan in Dubai for Happy New Year movie. But she is tasting real happiness even four months before the new year with offers pouring from Hollywood and Kollywood. She is selected for a Hollywood movie Fast and Furious7 recently. Deepika Padukone, Kangana Ranaut and Chitrangda Singh underwent screening tests for the role in the film but Deepika emerged as the luckiest.Earlier she acted in a Bollywood action thriller ‘Race-2’ which helped to show her talent and grab the attention of Hollywood filmmakers too.
Deepika, daughter of former Badminton champion Prakash Padukone is a perfect selection for Hollywood movie as she was born in Denmark and Western culture is imbibed in her childhood days. After Tabu and Aishwarya Rai, Deepika is the third person to act in Hollywood movie. She is also happy with the wonderful chance to act with Superstar Rajinikanth in ‘Kochadaiyaan’. Aishwarya Rai’s image touched the skies only after her superb performance with Rajani in Robo released in 2010.


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