It was recently reported that actress Nagma would make her comeback to big screens through director Dharma Teja's upcoming Telugu project. Without giving hint at her upcoming project, the actress, who cut down her acting assignments due to her political career, says she will return to acting very soon. Nagma, who is an All India Congress Committee (AICC) member, has been busy campaigning for the Congress Party. The actress recently attended a photoshoot organised by fashion designer Amy Billimoria. Talking to the media, she said, "I had never left acting. An actor can never stop acting. For few years, I was busy concentrating on politics and I had left (acting) for some time.
                                           Now, I will start again." There Are Few Offers Coming My Way: Nagma The 38-year-old actress, who started her acting career with Bollywood movie Baaghi, is one of those rare actresses, who have acted in nine languages - Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, and now Marathi. Nagma said, "There are few offers coming my way. Filmmaking is changing and I want to choose the right scripts. I will reveal the names of my films when the right time comes." Talking about roping in Nagma, Dharma Teja had recently said, "I have approached her, but I haven't signed her yet. We are still in the discussion stage and it's too early to comment more on this. If she comes on board, then she will essay an important role in a unique love story." The director added, "She was my first choice because it's the kind of the role I knew she would do justice to if she takes it up. I'm positive that she could pull it off with ease."


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