The Court today granted 15 more days to websites to file replies over online content censorship. The Court had earlier slammed Google for not filing its reply. The next hearing is on March 1.Facebook India today filed its compliance report before the Delhi court which had ordered it and 22 other websites to remove objectionable content from their websites.Google India also told the court that it has removed certainweb pages from the Internet on which objections were raised by the petitioners.Additional Civil Judge Praveen Singh also posed a query to the counsel appearing for petitioner Mufti Aijaz Arshad Qasmi, as to whether the blog service-providing companies can be made a party to the case for any content posted by the users on the blogs.“Why are you (Google Inc) not coming properly with your reply?” the court said. “Don’t tell me you have been served only on Friday. After all this hullabaloo that has been created in the last few months you should have been prepared,” it stated.The court also asked the petitioner to supply the copies of all the documents relied upon, to all the opposite parties. The court had on 20 December last year, in a ex-parte order issued summons to 22 social networking websites asking them to remove “anti-religious” or “anti-social” content in the form of photographs, videos or text which might hurt religious sentiments.
Court raps Google Video


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