Selva Raghavan (SriRaghava), who made his Telugu debut through ‘7 G Brindavanam Colony’ and later directed a straight Telugu film ‘Aadavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule’ is now getting ready to direct a fantasy film with a giant budget of Rs 50 crores. This graphical extravaganza is going to take shape in three languages, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam with none other than the stylish star Allu Arjun in lead role. The movie will be produced by one of Tollywood’s leading producers.

Presently Selva Raghavan (SriRaghava) is busy with Kamal Haasan’s new film and on the other hand Allu Arjun is also busy with his ongoing flick Badrinath. This new film will be launched after the duo gets relieved from their respective projects.


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