The mixed reviews and divided talk that is spread in market for ‘Nagavalli’ has almost pushed Bollywood Hero salman khan a step back. As we know that Priyadarshan has directed the remake of Telugu/Tamil blockbuster ‘Chandramukhi’ as ‘Bhool Bhulaiyya’ in Hindi with Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan and movie fared average at BO. The strength in subject of this psychological thriller attracted many of Bollywood Producers towards the sequel in Telugu that is ‘Nagavalli.’

Most talented P. Vasu has almost ruined the prospects of remake in Hindi as none of the film makers are ready to go for buying the remake rights as for now either in Telugu or native Kannada versions. Reports say that P. Vasu arranged a special show of this movie in Chennai for Rajinikanth.


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