Cherry and Bunny on a Deserted Island
Ram Charan, who has been desperately looking for a break from daily routine, went on a holiday couple of days ago. He along with Allu Arjun and few other friends went to a private island near Andaman. It seems there is no one on that island!

“Nenu,bunny and few friends jst landed on a private island near andaman.nobody on this island.hopin to hav a relaxed holiday.wil update u guys,” he posted on his Twitter page.

Actually Charan thought of leaving to Bangkok and pay a surprise visit to his close friend Rana, who is currently shooting there for his upcoming film Nenu Naa Rakshasi. Due to the unavailability of planes he has opted for island visit.

Once Charan returns to Hyderabad he will resume the shooting of his next film ‘Merupu’ under Dharani direction.


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