Call it the coming together of two geniuses which is quite rare in Tollywood. Recently, Ram Gopal Varma and his friend Puri Jagannadh got together for a rather unique session. This was while experiencing the taste of the new cocktail called ‘RGV Exotica’- a mix of Rum, Gin, Vodka and with a blend of lime, mint leaves and other rare herbs. The place to launch this was the famous ‘Celebrations Hotel’ opposite Chiranjeevi Blood Bank.

The launch event had very close and intimate circle of Ramu’s friends and an anonymous person clicked this picture through his cell camera and sent it to Great Andhra.

This anonymous person who sent the photograph wrote in his mail, “It’s a sensation in the hotel when RGV arrived and walked briskly to sit on the roof top apex in ‘Celebrations’ meant exclusively for top men in the society. I couldn’t resist from clicking my cell-camera by intruding into that private sitting after knowing that Puri Jagannath also joined him. I have no proper camera and since I cannot even use flash, I am sending you this bad voyeuristic pic”.
The RGV Exotica has already raised the curiosity of the spirit lovers and initial reports say that the kick in the drink is as good as Ramu’s portrayal of a heroine or a violent scene on the screen. Puri also liked the exclusive ‘RGV Exotica’ as per the reports.


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