The news had been made official through the social networking site Twitter, but media speculations surrounding actress Ameesha Patel's life never seems to reach its end. Yes, we are talking about her relationship with London-based businessman Kanav Puri. While the media had previously announced that the couple has already tied the knot, Ameesha Patel never accepted the fact and the girl is now reportedly single. Speaking to the media, Ameesha Patel confirms the fact that she is indeed single. There Is no news yet on whether she is ready to mingle too!
It is always the personal life of Ameesha Patel which manages to hit headlines, whether it is her relationship with director Vikram Bhatt or Kanav Puri or the much publicized estrangement from her parents over financial misunderstandings. As of now though, the actress confirms that she is back with her mom and dad and away from latest boyfriend Kanav Puri! Are all the men listening?So who are her favorites from the industry? Ameesha Patel takes care to name strictly married people from Bollywood.


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