The golden days of trisha are almost over in Telugu and Tamil cinema. It could be the age factor or the turbulent flow of new talents into Tollywood, we are today seeing no big offers before trisha. This could be the reason why the hot beauty is planning to jump to Sandalwood for a big project besides star hero Puneeth Rajkumar. In the past, trisha was floored with many calls from Kannada producers but she hasn’t responded. Finally, it’s the fat pay cheque and proved subject of ‘Dookudu’ remake has done the trick.
Yes, trisha will reprise the character of Samanta besides Puneeth reprising Mahesh Babu. Successful Kannada director Madesh is helming the project. ‘Yes, it will be a quickie with just two months of time to complete my portions,’ trisha said. Meanwhile, there is ‘Endrendum Punnaigam, Bhoologam’ in Tamil and ‘RUM’ in Telugu to complete for trisha.


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