Many were surprised when Saloni signed director Raja Vannam Reddy’s Telugu Ammayi opposite the bunch of non-actors and non-stars. Post the stupendous success of Maryada Ramanna, this new film might not be the right choice for her but she is not in a position to wait further to get more ‘lucrative’ projects. She has already waited for four months after the Maryada Ramanna release thinking some big hero film would knock her doors. Or some big director would offer another prestigious film. But Lady Luck didn’t come to her. Instead, Lady Luck knocked on the doors of Sunil, who immediately signed RGV’s Appalraju and several other directors and producers are waiting for his dates.

Saloni, on the other hand, waited and waited thinking that she would become the next big thing. But all the producers who came to her offered her mere second heroine roles. Some offered main lead but the remuneration was hardly more than Rs 10 Lakhs. So finally when Raja Vannam Reddy came to her offering Rs 25 Lakhs as remuneration, she immediately said okay despite the fact that her co-stars are little-known faces.

Saloni made her debut in Dhana 51,
and then acted in Oka Oorilo..., Kokila, and Chukkallo Chandrudu but her career didn’t really take off. So when Rajamouli offered her a chance opposite Srihari in Magadheera and as main heroine in Maryada Ramanna, she thought her second innings would pave way for stardom. But poor girl, the film’s stupendous success hardly brought any luck to her career.


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