Rajanikanth’s latest sensation Robo is doing phenomenal business all over the world. Tamil version of this film, Endhiran has reportedly collected Rs. 35 crore nett in its first week, that too only in Tamilnadu. As per the trade reports, Hindi version, The Robot which started off slowly is picking up and is likely to get back the investment in a week or two.

Robo is doing great in Telugu too. It has colleted around 15.5 crores in AP and has occupied the second spot in Tollywood film history in terms of first week collections. Only Magadheera is ahead of it, claims trade reports. Robo has been doing tremendous business in second week also. The trade figures are unbelievable and unheard for a dubbed film. If Robo continues to hold its grip in the coming weeks it has all the chances to beat Pokiri’s all time records to grab the second spot of Tollywood.

When Mr. Thota Kanna Rao daringly invested Rs. 27 crore on this film, many of the trade pundits and industry bigwigs rubbished off it as a crazy act. Now, Kanna Rao is having the last laugh as everyone is praising him for his daring step.


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