Producer Dil Raju, known for his knack for making blockbuster movies, kicked up a major storm recently. Dil Raju irked the media with his uncouth comments and lax manner. Several times in the past, Dil Raju has drawn negative attention to himself with his false-superior attitude. This time he probably went one too far. At a recent press meet regarding his latest film ‘Yevadu’, he managed to get on the bad side of the media. Not only was he late for his own event, he even managed to belittle the media persons who questioned his lateness to “just drink his hooch and get lost”. The entire Telugu media is upset with Dil Raju’s negligent attitude.
                     Not satisfied with this, Raju managed to make the Telugu audiences mad. Talking about the delays for the release of ‘Yevadu’, he commented that he will not postpone the release of his movie any more. When mentioned about the clash with Pawan’s AD, Dil Raju just reminded everyone about an earlier incident where ‘Brindavanam’ clashed with Superstars ‘Mahesh Khaleja’. ‘Brindavanam’ released exactly a week after ‘Khaleja’. He pointed out that ‘Khaleja’ flopped and ‘Brindavanam’ managed to do very well. This time too he said that the similar fate is going to be for  ‘Yevadu’.
                           This cavalier attitude was not very well received by Pawan fans. Dil Raju is hinting heavily that he wishes Pawan’s movie to be a flop. Only the audience will be able to decide now about who is ultimately right.


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