TV actress Sai Sirisha, who is set to start her acting career in films with Love Attack, is said to have gone missing since May 20. On Sunday, her father N Prasada Rao approached the Banjara Hills police and informed them that she had left home to attend shooting on the outskirts of Hyderabad on May 20 and has not returned yet. In a statement to the police, Prasad Rao said that Sai Sirisha had left home on May 20 and was in touch with her family for three days, but later her mobile phone was switched off. Her family searched for her at several places, but has not been able to trace her till now. Prasad Rao added that Sirisha spoke to him last on July 6 and told him that she would be returning home soon. After the chat, she has not contacted her father or any other member in her family. It is almost three months after the actress went missing. It is not known why her family waited so long to lodge a complaint with the Police. The Banjara Hills police, who have taken this case seriously, have registered a case and formed special teams to find out the whereabouts of Sai Sirisha. They are expected to unravel the mystery soon. Continue to see her photos and read more details about the actress in the slideshow.


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