Actor Ram Charan Tej, who will soon be making his big debut into Bollywood with Apoorva Lakhia’s Zanjeer, was seen attending few primetime TV shows in Mumbai. He was seen on National TV, amidst the judges of a dance show and an extremely popular comedy show with star comedian Kapil Sharma. Ram was seen talking in Hindi and English, in a rather funny diction and accent. While this has embarassed native audience heavily, one wonders how the crowd from North is reacting to that. Some sources from inner circles say this was a very risky move, to show up on TV before a much awaited grand debut in Hindi. The star is yet to test waters in Bollywood and this silly appearance might pose to threat his image even before he strikes the screen. Ram was also found looking very out of place in these shows, adding more obstacles to the specualtions on hand. While the trailer of the film looks promising and the talks about Charan’s dedication are all afloat, the southern Star should have simply underplayed till the limelight happened – just like Dhanush did before Raanjhana. Well, let us wait and watch how this unfolds on Charan’s sleeve after all.


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