Like many around; Gracy Singh too had made her big switch from TV to films hoping to attain the success heights in Bollywood.

Though her debut film, Lagaan, opposite Mr. Perfectionist of town Aamir Khan did fetch her desired success but she could never come out of her Lagaan image. The lady somehow felt left out post Lagaan and despite trying hard could never manage to bag meaty films.       

She was recently seen after a long hiatus in Vikram Bhatt’s Dangerous Ishq, written by Aamir Khan's best friend Amin Hajee. Talking of the film, Gracy said, “Amin suggested my name to director Vikram Bhatt. He has been my friend since Lagaan days in which he also acted. As I am a trained dancer, Amin felt I would fit the role of a Krishna devotee. I do a lot of Radha-Meera dance shows especially during Janmashtami”.

When asked about her equation with Aamir Khan, she said, "He remains a friend. I was part of Lagaan's 10th anniversary celebrations last year. The fact that Amin recommended me says it all."

Recalling her TV days, when she was known for her show Amaanat, she said, "I am really fortunate that the audience still remember me after so many years. I am happy with whatever I did, some worked, some didn't”.

As heard, Gracy Singh is now looking forward to a dance-based film with Hema Malini. We hope she gets her due credit!


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