Siddharth Rajkumar whu recently got introduced from the Rebel star family with "keratam" looked very promising as an actor even though the movie dint fare as expected. The young actor who had earlier expressed his feelings of patriotism and passion for country in his interviews has come up with a very inspiring video on Republic day for youth "Against corruption". This is a first such attempt by any actor in the telugu industry against corruption...
This video has been drawing lot of attention among the youngsters... Hailing from the Rebel family the young actor has come up with yet another amazing performance showing his Rebel instincts and is managing to win hearts with this inspiring video.. This Video is called "Yuva Bharat" by siddharth rajkumar... This Attempt was an amazing way to spread the word against corruption among youngsters... Hopefully we get to see other actors too promoting and spreading the word against corruption.  


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