Hinduism and Buddhism are religions that have their origins in India. Both religions have many similarities and differences, and end up confusing many followers because of these. Let’s unravel the mysticism by explaining the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism:
  1.  Both religions teach that everything around us is an illusion and that all living beings experience a cycle of birth and death depending on their karmaKarma is nothing but cause and effect – if you do wrong, you will be made to pay for it, and if you do the right thing, you will be rewarded for it.
  2. Buddhism preaches that if we eliminate desire, we will stop suffering. Hinduism says that if we achieve goals because of our desires, it leads to suffering and bondage. Hinduism says that if we accomplish tasks without assigning selfish reasons, then we will become freed from the cycle of birth and death.
  3. Both religions believe in reincarnation and the existence of heavens and hells. They also preach non-violence.
  4. Practices like meditation, energy channeling, etc., are followed in both religions.
  5. Both religions preach that in order to enter spiritual life, one must renounce worldly riches.
  6. Gautam Buddha, who founded Buddhism, was a Hindu. Hinduism is founded based on collective thought. It is not founded by one person.
  7. Hinduism believes that the Vedic texts are supreme. Buddhists do not believe in any Hindu texts.
  8. Hinduism says that the soul (atman) is related to God. Buddhism says that the soul is created because of ignorance and it is this ignorance that causes all misery.
  9. Hinduism believes that Buddha was an avatar of a Hindu God, Lord Vishnu, who is one of the Gods of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism. Buddhism does take Hindu Gods into account but gives them subordinate roles. In Buddhism, the Buddhas are more important than them.
  10. Buddhists state that the whole world is in a state of suffering and that the aim of human life is to end this suffering. Hinduism says that every human must pursue 4 aims – dharma (duty), artha(wealth), kama (passion) and moksha (salvation).
  11. Hindusim says that there are 4 stages of life that are based on age – Student, Householder, Retirement and Ascetic. Buddhists do not believe in these stages – anyone can participate in any activity at any time.
  12. Hinduism is an individualistic religion; Buddhism is a collective religion – Buddhists organize their flock in a monastic order entitled Sanghas.
  13. Buddishm believes in Boddhisattvas, which means enlightened existence. Hinduism does not believe in it.
  14. Buddhism requires all Buddhists to take refuge in Buddha,Sangha and Dhamma (the truth according to Buddha) as the path to salvation. Hinduism allows its followers to choose from many paths to salvation.
This is the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism.


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