The Bachchans and the world awaits Baby B!Infact it's not only the Bachchans but the whole world is awaiting the birth of baby B. And now the latest buzz is that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who is expected to deliver her first baby this week, reportedly checked in to Seven Hills Hospital early Monday morning. She was accompanied by her parents, husband Abhishek and sister-in-law Swetha. She has been visiting the hospital for regular check-ups for the past few months. There are no confirmed reports yet about when is Aishwarya expected to deliver the baby. Reportedly an entire floors at Seven Hills hospital has been blocked by the Bachchans for Aishwarya's delivery.Preparations are on in full swing at the Bachchan home for the arrival of Baby B. "A day of expectation .. but another day ! The Lord has his ways and they are most special


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