List of Indian Nobel Personalities

Abdul Ghaffar Khan            Abdul Ghaffar Khan
He was known as the 'Frontier Gandhi'. He was a nationalist Muslim leader of theNorth-West Frontier Province. He first started a militant organisation known asthe 'Red Shirt', and later on joined the non-violent Civil Disobedience Movementstarted by Mahatma Gandhi.
Acharya Vinoba Bhave          Acharya Vinoba Bhave
Saintly personality; had devoted his life to social welfare; founder of the Bhoodanmovement.
Amir Khusrau                  Amir Khusrau
Assumed 'Parrot of India', was a famous poet and author who wrote in poetry andprose and also composed music. He enjoyed the patronage of successive Sultans ofDelhi from Balban to Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq. He died in 1324-25. His works includeTughluqnamah and the Tarikh-i-Alai.
Anand Mohan Bose              Anand Mohan Bose
He was a prominent Indian public man in his times. He was the first Indian to beaWrangler of Cambridge University in 1873. He was the founder-secretary of theIndian Association which was established in Calcutta in 1876, and presided overthe 14th session of the Indian National Congress held in Ma
Ashutosh Mukherjee            Ashutosh Mukherjee
He was an eminent lawyer and educationist. He was certainly a maker of modern Bengal,if not of India, by virtue of his eminent services to the cause of education. Atthe early age of 25 he became a member of the Senate of the Calcutta Universityof which he became the vice-chancellor.
Aurobindo Ghosh               Aurobindo Ghosh
An ardent nationalist who later became a saint, was educated in England. His viewswere readily accepted by Lala Lajpat Rai of Punjab and Bal Gangadhar Tilak of Maharashtraand led to the formation of an extremist school within the Congress.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak           Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Patriot and statesman, known as Lokmanya. He organised Extremist Party within theCongress with Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pai. Britishers called him "Fatherof Indian Unrest". He gave the clarion call "Swaraj is my birth right". Tilak wasthe founder-editor of Mahratta (English) and Kesar
Bhagat Singh                  Bhagat Singh
Known as Shahid-e-Azam. Founded Naujawan Bharat Sabha. Exploded bomb in CentralLegislative Assembly at Lahore on April 8, 1929. He was arrested and sentenced forlife. He along with Sukh Dev and Shivram Rajguru, was hanged on March 23, 1931 forparticipating in Lahore conspiracy.
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari   Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
A prominent Indian politician, born in South India in 1879. He was the General Secretaryof the Indian National Congress in 1921-22 and was a member of the Congress WorkingCommitee. Rajagopalachari was the Chief Minister of Madras from 1937-39.
Dadabhai Naoro Ji             Dadabhai Naoro Ji
He was elected president of the Indian National Congress at its second session heldin Calcutta in 1886. He was the first Indian to be elected a member of the Houseof Commons in England on a ticket of Liberal Party. Twice again, in 1893 and in1906, he was elected president of the INC.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar            Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
A prominent leader of the Scheduled Castes. Built up a party of the untouchables,became a member of the Constitutent Assembly and piloted through it the Indian ConstitutionAct which declared India to be Republic. He also piloted the Hindu Code throughthe Indian Legislature.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad           Dr. Rajendra Prasad
He was the first President of the Republic of India. Born in Bihar in 1884, educatedat the Calcutta Universty, he began his career as an advocate and soon commandeda very large practice at Patna High Court. Prasad became the president of Congressin 1934, 1939 and 1947; a minister in Nehru's cabin
Gopal Krishna Gokhale         Gopal Krishna Gokhale
He was a prominent Indian nationalist, and presided over the 1905 session of theIndian National Congress. In 1905 he founded at Poona the Servants of India Society.He died in 1915. He is considered as the 'Political Guru' of Gandhiji.
Govinda Ballabh Pant          Govinda Ballabh Pant
The celebrated Sanskrit grammarian, was the author of Ashtadhyayi. He was one ofthe leading members and leaders of the Indian National Congress. He became the ChiefMinister in his native province of Uttar Pradesh after independence.
Ishwar Chandra VidyasagarIshwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Social reformer and educationist from Bengal and a pioneer in the field of primaryeducation and widow re-marriage.
Jamshedji Tata                Jamshedji Tata
Parsi industrialist and philanthropist. Father of Indian industry, founded Tata,Iron and Steel Company in Bihar.
Lal Bahadur Shastri       Lal Bahadur Shastri
Prime Minister of India from May, 1964 to his death on 11 January, 1966. He wasconferred Bharat Ratna posthumously. He was a martyr for the cause of peace betweenIndia and Pakistan at Tashkent.
Lala Lajpat Rai               Lala Lajpat Rai
Indian national leader known as "Lion of Punjab". Founder editor of Bande Mataram,The Punjabeeand The People. Died of injuries caused by police lathi-charge whileleading a demonstration against Simon Commission at Lahore in 1928. Author of YoungIndia, The Arya Samaj and England's Debt to India.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.Became a barrister-at-law (1891) in England. Went to South Africa in 1893. Stayedthere till 1914 for the cause of the emancipation of the Indians from the insultinglife.
Mrs.  Vijayalakshmi Pandit   Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
Born in 1900, was a talented daughter of Pandit Motilal Nehru. She held many highoffices after Indian independence including the post of India's High Commissionerin England (1955-61) and India's Ambassador to the U. S. S. R. as well as to theU. S. A.
Mrs. Annie Besant             Mrs. Annie Besant
English theosophist, bom in London in October 1847. She founded the Central HinduCollege at Banaras and was elected president of the Theosophical Society in 1907.In 1916 she founded the Indian Home Rule League and became its first president andin 1917.
Mrs. Sarojini Naldu           Mrs. Sarojini Naldu
The most talented Indian lady, born of Bengali parents, was a poet and orator whotook a prominent part in Indian politics. She presided over the Kanpur session ofthe Indian National Congress in 1925 and was the first lady to be appointed a stateGovernor in the Republic of India.
Netaji Subhash Bose        Netaji Subhash Bose
Popularly known as Netaji, was born on January 23, 1879, at Cuttack. He passed theIndian Civil Service Examination in 1920. He joined the Indian National Congressin 1921. In 1938 he was the president of the INC at its Haripura session and in1939 he was elected president of its Tripuri session.
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru      Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru
He was the first Prime Minister of Independent India and is known as the architectof modem India. He was born in Allahabad on Novemeber 14,1889. In 1928 be becamethe General Secretary of the Indian National Congress and in 1929 its President.At the Lahore session under his Presidentship was pass
Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya    Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
A leading nationalist leader, prominent educationist and social reformer. Lateron joined the second session of the Indian National Congress held in 1886 and twicebecame its President in 1909 and 1918. His greatest achievement was the foundationin 1915 in Benaras of the Hindu University.
Pandit Motilal Nehru          Pandit Motilal Nehru
A renowned Indian patriot, was born on 6th May, 1861 in Delhi. He began his careeras a lawyer at the Allahabad High Court, joined the Indian National Movement andstarted a journal named The Independent' to support the cause of Indian Nationalism.Along with C. R. Das he formed the Swarajist Party
Rabindranath Tagore           Rabindranath Tagore
Poet, novelist, patriot, educationist, essayist, painter and philosopher. He foundedShantiniketan (now Viswabharati University) in West Bengal. The first Asian to receiveNobel Prize in Literature (for Gitanjati in 1913), writer of National Anthems ofIndia and Bangladesh.
Ram Manohar Lohla             Ram Manohar Lohla
A social and political revolutionary, he founded the'Samajwadi Party' after differenceof opinion with the Congress.
Ramakrishna Paramhansa        Ramakrishna Paramhansa
He was a very great spiritual teacher of the Hindus in modern times. His two-noteworthydisciples were Keshavchandra Sen and Swami Vivekanand.
Rasbehari Basu                Rasbehari Basu
He was elected president of the Surat session of the Indian National Congress in1907 in which the Moderates and Extremists came to a serious clash. Next year hepresided over the Madras session of the INC.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel      Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
A renowned Indian patriot and politician, was born on the 31st, October, 1875 inGujarat and began his career as a lawyer. He took a leading part in the BardoliSatyagraha movement. In 1931 he became the president of the Congress. He joinedthe "interim Government" set up in 1946 as the Home Ministe
Sarvapalli Radha Krishan      Sarvapalli Radha Krishan
The second President of the Republic of India. Radha Krishnan was appointed as India'sambassador to the USSR in 1949. In 1962 he became the President of India. His birthday,Sept 5, is celebrated as Teacher's Day.'
Shaukat Ali                   Shaukat Ali
A prominent leader and politician amongst the Indian Muhammadans. He along withhis brother Muhammad All, led the Khilafat Movement in 1919-20. He also joined theIndian National Congress and the non-co-operation movement.
Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan         Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan
He was a prominent leader of the Indian Muhammadans. Remained loyal to the Britishduring the Sepoy Mutiny (1857-58), founded the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental Collegeat Aligarh in 1875. In 1920 the college was raised to the status of University andcalled the Aligarh Muslim University.
Sister Nivedita               Sister Nivedita
A famous disciple of Swami Vivekananda, was an Irish lady named Miss Margaret Nobel.
Swami Vivekananda             Swami Vivekananda
Disciple of Rama Krishna Paramahansa, and founder of Ramakrishna Mission at Belur.He championed the supremacy of Vedantic philosophy and his talk at the Chicago conferenceof world religions in 1893 made westerners realise the greatness of Hinduism forthe first time.
V. D. C Savarkar              V. D. C Savarkar
He founded Mitra Mandal aimed at achieving freedom by armed rebellion, founded AbhinavBharat, started Free Indian Society in England (London). Savarkar was arrested inNasik conspiracy case and sentenced to transportation for life and freed in 1937.He authored Indian War of Independence.
Wumesh Chandra Banerjee Wumesh Chandra Banerjee
The first president of the Indian National Congress held at Bombay in 1885. He wasmade Congress President a second time at its Allahabad session in 1892.
Zakir Hussain                 Zakir Hussain
Proposed Wardha Scheme of education, formerly Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia. Hewas elected as President of India in 1967.


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