Resume Preparation Tips

Hi Friends.........

Here I want to give some tips in preparing Resume.

In preparing our Resume we should follow some important steps which should be placed in. The sections which has been put in our Resume should contain the perfect information regarding that particular categories. By looking at that Resume one should know approximately every thing about that person whom that Resume belongs to. The Resume must be clean and Original one. Don’t use photo copies. It will put bad impression at Interviewing time.
Here are the sections which has to be put in our Resume.

1. Contact section: Who are you and how can you be reached?
2. Objective statement: What do you want to do?
3. Education section: What have you learned?
4. Experience/Employment section: What can you do? What have you done?
5. Professional activities and accomplishments: How have you been recognized?
6. Miscellaneous: What else do they want to know about you?
These above mentioned categories are main things in Resume. Under these every sections you must keep proper information regarding that particular one. And sequence these sections according to what is important to the employer.

Here are some tips which should include in particular section.

1. Contact Information

In this section you should include your name , Address including street and house number and your contact number.

2. Career/Job Objective

This is recommended only for recent graduates or entry level personnel. Experience and professional job seekers rarely include it. This component of the resume can be very challenging to write. The purpose of the objective statement is to inform the reader of your career goals and qualifications. The statement should be written specifically enough to let the reader know that you have a focus to your job search. If you are considering a variety of objectives, you may want to relay the relevant objective in an accompanying cover letter.

3. Educational Qualifications

This section is most effective when you have experiences from your education that are impressive and/or directly relate to your objective. Adding this section is useful when you have developed skills and specific knowledge through your education rather than work experience. This section can be used to highlight coursework, research, or special knowledge that complements your objective. This information is useful in a resume of entry level candidates and recent graduates.

4. Employment or Experience Summary

A brief summary of qualifications can condense an extensive background by emphasizing experiences and accomplishments in brief phrases. The qualifications summary is accomplishment-oriented and provides an overview of your work experience. A summary is most appropriated for someone with substantial experience, for someone who is changing careers and wants to demonstrate transferable skills, or for someone with an eclectic background.

5.Professional Activities and Accomplishments

This part of your resume offers you the opportunity to provide insight into your career development. You should be selective and complete, listing such items as memberships in professional associations and offices held, professional registrations, honors received, and major articles or publications you have written. Do not list every article or every speech you may have given or every conference you have attended. Emphasize quality - this section of the resume should help you to demonstrate you are current and active in your profession.

6. Miscellaneous
This section covers the remaining things like hobbies, interests , strengths and goals etc. These are the main tips which we must concentrate on.


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