There was a time when film making was all about the art and those who were passionate and willing to dedicate their lives jumped into it. But today, the dynamics of film making has changed and irrespective of the background, qualification, knowledge, there are many who have entered into the cine circuit. On the other hand, those who are talented are getting highly ambitious and want to hit the top league with just two or three projects in their kitty as experience. Some of the classic examples for that are directors like Srikanth Addala, RP Patnaik, Teja and others.

While some are finding folks like Kammula, Krish, Madhura Sreedhar as the inspiration, the ground reality is something different. Film making takes a lot of dedication, commitment, patience to actually prove oneself and the real brand is created only after scoring few hits. Added to that, the individual is expected to have the right kind of attitude and friendly approach despite the various challenges.

Here are few instances of directors and their track record. Director Teja is yet to get a proper comeback, Anish Kuruvilla has disappeared, Indraganti is coming after a long gap and that too with an ordinary budget movie. The experts say that it is a rather insecure line. The other challenge is that one needs to have the right kind of ‘build up’ as in some ‘show put up’ to make their presence felt. Also, unlike the actors who get other benefits by doing shows, endorsing products, inaugurating showrooms, becoming brand ambassadors, nothing like this happens for directors. They really get a value and identity only when they score hits. So folks, given the pros and cons, you need to take the decision.


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