Born as Mailavarapu Surya Narayana, MS Narayana rose to fame as comedian in Tollywood. 

In his recent movies, he was seen imitating many actors in his comic style which entertained audience to core. MS worked for nearly 700 movies and penned storyline and dialogues for 8 movies. Versatile actor, MS Narayana is native of Nidamarru, West Godavari, A.P. He worked as lecturer before making it on big screen.

MS aged 63 is survived by spouse M .V. Kala Prapoorna and two children Sasi Kiran and Vikram. Born to Mailavarapu Bapi Raju, Venkata Subbamma MS bagged one Filmfare-Best supporting actor,5 Nandi awards,2 cinegoers awards, B.A. Academy-Best comedian award . M.S. Narayana made his debut as director in the film Koduku with his son Vikram.
He has been hospitalised following symptoms of food poisoning when he was in Bheemavaram to celebrate Sankranti festival. According to his daughter, Sasikiran, "My dad was admitted in a local hospital in Bhimavaram after he suffered a heart attack in his native place, and was later shifted to a citybased hospital." He underwent dialysis following multi-organ failure. MS battled for his life on ventilator for 3 days and breathe his last on Jan 23rd 2015.
A day before his death, rumours floated in media and internet about the actor's death. but his son cleared them all and stated that his father is recovering. KIMS hospital doctors released health bulletin on the actor, which stated the actor suffering from heart, kidney and liver failure.

Tollyandhra pays tribute to the talented actor and comedian. 'You are always remebered and thank you for bringing smiles to our face. May your soul Rest in Peace!!'

Twitter Updates on Death of MS NARAYANA GAARU

MS Narayana passed away on Friday morning, leaving TFI in utter shock!! Many celebrities, actors and actress took to twitter to share their grief.
Some of the tweets...

ms narayana died
Popular writer-comedian MS Narayana MS died on Friday following prolonged illness.
He was in a critical condition at KIMS hospital in Kondapur ,Hyderabad. He has been hospitalized following symptoms of food poisoning. He was in Bheemavaram to celebrate Sankranti festival. He checked into a hotel there. According to his family sources, MS Narayana fell seriously ill after having dinner.
As per report, he underwent dialysis on Thursday and was recovering, as precautionary measures, doctors have shifted him to the intensive care unit (ICU), said a close family member of Narayana. Doctors said that MS Narayana has been put on a ventilator support after a multi-organ failure. Battling for life, the noted comedian passed away on Friday.
Mailavarapu Surya Narayana born on 16 April 1951 was an Indian actor, comedian and director who primarily works in Tollywood. He has acted in more than 500 films and is noted for his comic timing and facial expressions with witty dialogues. He is well known for his acting in films such as Indra, Sontam, Dookudu. He also penned dialogues for 8 films like Alexander starring Suman. He won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor – Telugu film Dookudu & Andhra Pradesh State Nandi Award for Best Male Comedian five times for the films Maa Nanna ki Pelli,Ramsakkanodu,Sardukupodam Randi,Shivamani and Dookudu.

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