Samantha is back on Twitter after more than a year. Earlier, she had deleted her account following lot of hate tweets and with peopleinvading her privacy, she couldn’t take it anymore. Now, she has created a new Twitter Id @Samanthaprabhu2 and joined the micro-blogging site last evening. S S Rajamouli, Deva Katta, Ram, Trisha, Rana, Lakshmi Manchu and several other celebs welcomed her on the site. A lot of things have changed for Samantha in the recent few months. After Ye Maya Chesave and Brindavanam, she scored a blockbuster with Dookudu and now she’s rated among the mostbankable heroines in the industry. This year, she has a bunch of exciting projects including Eega, Yevadu, Mani Rathnam’s Kadal and Gautham Menon’s trilingual film Yeto Vellipoyyindhi Manasu lined up for release.


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