Google Scams, Beware Of Google ATM And All The Fake Marketing Kit 
The official Google blog just released a list of names to be wary of, they are Google Adwork, Google ATM, Google Biz Kit, Google Cash, Earn Google Cash Kit, Google Fortune, Google Marketing Kit, Google Profits, The Home Business Kit for Google, Google StartUp Kit, and Google Works.

For your information, these scam websites are known as phishing websites. It works by promising you easy money without little effort and knowledge, all at the comfort of your home. If one were to read the fine print on bottom of the website, they are likely to see words stating the billing will be transferred to a third party, and it will be $69.90 each month without notification, postal or electronic, when billing occurs. Don’t give them a credit card number. In short, it is a scam.
Google Scams, Beware Of Google ATM And All The Fake Marketing Kit
If an offer is too good to be true, chances are, it is. Making money online is not impossible, it requires knowledge and lots of effort.
Google hasn’t created or endorsed any of the sites like those described in our complaint. Misleading ads try to take advantage of consumers in the midst of a difficult economy, and as the economic situation has worsened, the problem has only grown. As far as we can tell, thousands of people have been tricked into sending payment information and being charged hidden fees by questionable operations.

I Didn’t Get Taken, But What Can I Do To Help?

What can you do to stop these guys from taking in more people? Warn everyone about it!
  1. Post a link to this article on your site or blog to warn your readers!
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  3. Click Here to Tweet this article to you friends and followers before they run into it.
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