India is one country which truly runs on the concept of ‘Ram Bharose’ (leaving it to god to take care of us). The reason I say this due to the botched up political system and the mess that those in power create in the name of democracy and righteousness. And for a strange reason, the greed to be part of publicity and limelight is so high among few people that they will not hesitate to set themselves on fire just for few seconds of attention.
The reason for all this rush of thoughts is the latest fizz on censoring Facebook and Twitter. The union minister Kapil Sibal is known for his dogged determination to get what he wants and his recent talks with these two companies is indeed a mockery. If Mr Sibal is trying to streamline content or clean the system, then putting censoring on FB, Twitter is not enough. He should then consider censoring the over enthusiastic and selfish electronic media.
For the kind of trash they show in the name of reality shows and Breaking News and the negative impact they are causing on the people, censoring should begin from there. On the other hand, how is it possible to censor the world wide web? Today, everybody is a media and everyone is reporting and expressing their thoughts and philosophy. In this free economy, anybody can start a blog and write about anything under the sun with anonymous identities.
Of course, extreme philosophy or hatred can incur reactions and there are times when websites or blogs are shutdown. But technically speaking, even the admin department can work on certain things by using keywords or tags to be barred but for every word there is an alternative. That way, I feel politically correct censoring can be done but moral censoring cannot be done. While I agree that Facebook and Twitter tend to have its own side-effects, trying to put a roadblock on freedom of expression is something bizarre. If that has to happen then it better be applied to the electronic media as well.


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