15 Plugins To Make Your Wordpress Comment System Better

1. WordPress Threaded Comment:

WP Threaded Comment is a very popular plugin which enables your blog readers to comment on the existing comments thus making the comments appear in a threaded(nested) way. From your Admin panel you can choose various things like whether or not to send the notification email on new reply comments, how everything should look, maximum nested comment level etc.

2. DoFollow:

DoFollow is a simple one click plugin which removes the “no-follow” attribute from your comments and thus making it Do-follow. This helps in providing Link Juice to your commentators as Search Engine will count the links in the comments made by your readers. Try this, It will surely boost your comments as this is the new trend around blogosphere.

3. Top Commentators Widget:

The Top Commentators Widget plugin helps you add a widget in your blog which shows the top commentators name. There are many options to choose in this plugin like to exclude some name, links and e-mails, Option to make the name’s hyper-linked or not, should the plugin add “no-follow” attribute in the list etc.

4. Comment Luv:

Comment Luv is a very interesting plugin as it grabs the feed of the commentator URL and shows a selection of latest article which they can choose to include at the bottom of their comment when they click submit button. This has proven very important and useful in generating more comments on a blog and interactive for the readers.

5. Keyword Luv:

Keyword Luv let’s your readers enter their favorite keyword for which they are optimizing their blog. The keyword appears just after the name and the the keyword is hyper-linked with URL provided by the commentator. This helps the commentators blogs rank better for their keyword with the improved anchor text for their comment.

6. Subscribe To Comments:

Subscribe to Comments is also a very popular plugin which helps your readers get notified via email whenever a new comment is made on the article on which they commented and are subscribed. This plugin provides a simple check box below the comment box and if the commentators ticks it then he gets subscribed to the list.This encourages readers to come back and take part in the conversation.
Well if you have already installed WP Threaded Comment then you might not feel installing as the feature is available in it but let me clear one thing that Subscribe to Comments plugin also provides the list of e-mail address and post on which the readers are subscribed to the comments which is not available in WP Threaded Comment.

7. Comment Relish:

Comment Relish could help prove a very important plugin as it sends a thank-you email to yours blog first time commentators. The message can be changed according to you. This encourages them to come back again and comment regularly i.e they might become your regular reader.

8. WP Ajax Edit Comments:

Humans can make mistakes and WP Ajax Edit Comments helps solve and edit this mistake. Whenever after commenting, your readers feels that he should not have said what he commented or he should have added something more to the comment or he realized typo mistake or some error then this plugin helps them to edit their own comments for a period specified by the Admin. This plugin can help reduce typo mistakes on reader comments and at same time encourage more comments from them.

9. Highlight Author Comments:

Sometimes your readers feels to read only the author comments. Mostly this happens when you write some kind of tutorial or something like that. That time it should be easy for the readers to find your comments and that’s the aim of theHighlight Author Comments plugin.
As it is clear by name, this plugin highlights the post author comments in distinctive style with no need to edit your template files, etc. All you do is provide a snippet or two of CSS styling to be applied to author posts.

10. Comment Quick Tags:

Comment Quick Tags is very useful plugin as it adds a handy toolbar near the comment box. This toolbar consist easy to use tags like bold, italics, quote and other such simple tags. This provides the choice to your commentators to present their comments in a very beautiful and proper manner.

11. Custom Smilies:

Custom Smilies enables the commentators to make use of smilies easily from the toolbar situated near to comment box. After installing the plugin you can choose or add smilies on your own which you want to appear in the toolbar. This will provide a very usefull interactive feature to your readers.

12. Tiny MCE Comments:

Tiny MCE Comments is a really very powerful plugin as it changes the ordinary comment box into a fully featured rich text editor or What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Editor. That means your commentators gets the functions like available to the author. It will surely make the comment box more interactive to use with the availability of such features.

13. WP Gravatars:

WP Gravatar is very simple to use plugin which adds the required field to your comment section to show up the Gravatar, MyBlogLog, OpenAvatar, Wavatar, Identicon, monsterID or Favico.ico images with your comments. There is now no need to find any code and do replacing and blah blah. Just Activate this plugin and it’s done.
There is one new similar kind of plugin on which we talked few days back i.eTwittar from SmashingMagazine which adds the Twitter avatars in the comment section by matching the email address to the user’s Twitter email address and if the user doesn’t have twitter then it shows up Gravatar.
Your Commentators will surely love to see their Avatars on your blog.

14. OpenID Comments:

OpenID Comments plugin let’s your readers comment with their openID Identity thus they can make comments by logging with their Google Account, FaceBook Account, Blogger Account, Yahoo Account, WordPress Account or any other OpenID’s.

15. Twitip ID:

Twitip ID is also getting popular amongst bloggers. This plugin adds an extra input field in comment box where people can add their Twitter username. Then this plugin outputs the twitter profile URL after submitting the comment. This helps your readers to share their twitter profileon the blog and gets chance to increase their followers.
These 15 plugins are very usefull to make your wordpress comment sytem much interactive and useful for your readers. Therefore, try it and feel the change it brings to your commen system.


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