Know About Bill Gates...

William Howard Gates III, better known as Bill Gates, was born on 28 October 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He is best known as co-founder of software giant Microsoft™ Corporation, a company he and Paul Allen bootstrapped in 1979. The enormous success of Microsoft has amassed the entrepreneur an astounding fortune, earning him the title of “richest man in the world” from 1995 - 2007, according to Forbes Magazine. As of 2007, Bill Gates’ worth is estimated at $59 billion US Dollars (USD).

Bill Gates was born to a well-to-do family, his father a successful lawyer, his mother a board member for First Interstate Bank. Gates has two siblings, Kristianne and Libby. Throughout grammar school Gates excelled in math and science, and enrolled in Lakeside, an exclusive preparatory school. 

At Lakeside the young Bill Gates was exposed to his first computers in the form of Teletype terminals networked to a remote server. Use of the Teletype required purchasing time blocks from the server. Gates and his Lakeside friends were banned from one system after administrators learned the kids were exploiting bugs (flaws) in the system to acquire free time. 

Gates quickly developed a passionate interest in computer operating systems, source code and computer languages, including BASIC, FORTRAN, LISP and COBOL. He and Allen were soon getting work searching for vulnerabilities in existing systems and writing proprietary programs. By age 14 Gates founded a short-lived venture with Allen that earned Gates $20,000 USD in the first year.

Interested in law, Bill Gates enrolled in Harvard College in 1973, but the world would have different plans for the future software mogul. Just two years into Harvard Gates took a leave of absence to work with Allen writing an operating system (OS) for what is now considered to be the prerunner to personal computers, the Altair 8800. The two young men formed a partnership they initially called “Micro-soft,” later shortening to “Microsoft” to be trademarked in November 1976.

Perhaps foreshadowing things to come, the Altair operating system that Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote was widely copied and shared among computer enthusiasts, prompting Gates to write an open letter in February 1976. In his letter Gates conveyed his distress at having people use the OS without making payment, stressing the time and work that goes into programming and the inability to provide quality software without fair compensation.

Four years later in 1980, IBM approached Gates to provide an operating system for an upcoming personal computer line. Gates suggested 86-DOS, an operating system written by Tim Patterson of Seattle Computer Products (SCP). Gates subsequently negotiated with SCP to make Microsoft the sole licensing agent of 86-DOS and eventually full owner, never mentioning the potential mega-contract with IBM. Microsoft adapted the OS, renamed it “PC-DOS” and asked IBM for a one-time fee, retaining copyright. When IBM clones hit the market as Bill Gates predicted they would, every computer required a copy of Microsoft’s operating system, licensed directly from Microsoft. 

If MS-DOS opened the door to Bill Gates’ legendary status in the computer world, the Windows™ operating system kicked it wide open. While MS-DOS was a text-based command-line OS, Windows revolutionized the personal computer world, providing an easy, graphical, point-and-click interface that made computers accessible to everyone. The market exploded from a relatively small community of computer geeks to the general public, and businesses large and small. 

The Windows OS created a de facto monopoly for Bill Gates in the IBM PC market. Microsoft frequently bought out small up-and-coming companies that were developing popular software packages, absorbing the products into the Microsoft line. In many cases Bill Gates was criticized for his aggressiveness in forcing out competition. This came to a head in the mid 90’s when Microsoft packaged Internet Explorer with Windows 95, essentially “pushing” its browser upon new computer users, usurping Netscape™’s market share. In 1998 the U.S. Department of Justice brought charges against Microsoft in an antitrust case, eventually ending with a ruling against the software giant. 

In 1994 Bill Gates married Microsoft employee Melinda Ann French. They had three children: Jennifer (b. 1996), Rory (b. 1999) and Phoebe (b. 2002). Gates has received honorary doctorates from universities in the Netherlands, Sweden, Tokyo and from Harvard. In 2000 he and Melinda founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, donating billions to improve global health care, fight AIDS, improve educational opportunities and provide scholarships. Gates also received an honorary Knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II in 2005, and was named one of the most influential people of the 20th Century by Time Magazine.


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