Mumbai hasn’t recovered yet from 2008 bomb blasts and it is yet again targeted by terrorists on July 13, 2011. The triple bomb attack on Mumbai on Wednesday evening has shaken whole world which hasn’t heard of any terrorist attacks for sometime. This announced that India has been the soft target for the terrorists and it is being so.

Film fraternity along with crores of people condemned the Mumbai blasts and wished that people recover quickly from this bomb attacks. Here are few tweets from our celebrities.

    Amitabh Bachchan: Bomb blasts in Mumbai .. !! God ! I hope people are safe !!
    Ram Gopal Varma: Apparently its Kasabs birthday today nd it looks like they are celebrating with bombs rather than with crackers
    Priyanka Chopra: Terrible news about the blasts. A request - please do not cause panic by tweeting/ spreading rumors / unconfirmed news.
    Sonam Kapoor: Hope everyone is safe in mumbai. Stay home and stay safe
    Genelia D’Souza: Jst heard bout d blasts, terribly upset,pls head home if ul r out, be safe
    Siddharth: Stop the killing you dirty cowards!! For the love of god! On second thought I retract my last plea! For the love of humanity, please stop!
    Shriya Saran: In NYC. Heard about blast. Really sad. Hope every one reaches home safe.still waiting for news from my sis in law
    Madhur Bhandarkar: Resilience of Mumbai again put to test b'coz of d blasts. Heart aches for d vctims. Cndemn such cowardly acts of terror.
    Ram: PATHETIC! When will we ever stop BLEEDING?

Everyone is condemning the Mumbai blasts and hoping for peace to prevail.


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